Sunday 23 June 2013

Expired Options - June, 2013

I sold a total of nine short put positions with a June expiration date.

On June 20, I closed my XOM puts for $25 (no commission was charged) making a profit of $308.75 on the trade.

My GEI short puts were assigned. Therefore, I own an additional 1,000 shares of Gibson Energy. I will provide a blog post listing my holdings.

Although I created over $16,000 additional margin through closing my XOM position, depositing $2,000 cash into my account, and selling units of a money market fund, I entered option expiration with a negative margin of $58,590.62. I was informed by my broker that I had until Monday to resolve this issue. Once my options expire, I will have an additional $117,000 in available margin, therefore, action is not required.

Listed below are my expired options. The premiums are the amount of money I received after commissions.

Expiration - June 22, 2013

Date                Position            Premiums

04/22/13    60P  CL  $47.50         $552.49
10/22/12      1P  CNR  $70             $83.76
04/23/13    25P CNR   $82           $353.76
05/13/13    10P GEI     $26          $277.51 - assigned
10/22/12      1P  MCD  $80          $224.75
04/22/13    25P   PG     $55          $283.75
04/29/13     2P   TD     $78             $87.51
04/02/13    25P  XOP   $50           $983.73
04/22/13    25P XOM   $70           $333.75 - closed

Ticker Symbols

CL - Colgate-Palmolive
CNR - CN Rail (TSX)
GEI - Gibson Energy (TSX)
MCD - McDonald's Corp
PG - Proctor & Gamble
TD - TD Bank (TSX)
XOM - Exxon Mobil
XOP - Oil & Gas Exploration

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